After a short break from blogging -- two days to be exact -- I feel refreshed, and ready to type. I don't know what happened, but, on Sunday night, as I thought about the blog post that I needed to get ready for the next day, I just didn't want to do it. I didn't feel it.
I had my posts all scheduled, and I didn't want to write about what I had planned, and I couldn't think of anything else to write about. Call it writer's block, or a lack of creative inspiration, or just plain lazy, but I feel good about not sitting down and forcing myself to write even though I thought I should.
I am not a journalist, and my blog does not make money. People are not dependent on my writing a blog post. I am not dependent on my writing a blog post. My family is dependent on my spending time with them, and that's what I did instead of writing a blog post for the last two days. It was fantastic.
Enjoy your Friday, and your weekend.
Peace and love to you :)
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