Advice for Picking out Baby Clothes

September 30, 2013
I really appreciated all of the gifts that were given to me and my husband when my son was born. Our friends and family gave out of the goodness of our hearts, and for that I will be ever grateful and it makes me so excited to give to other people that are having their own babies.

But there was something that I started to notice with the clothing that made me quite sad at times. We were given some of the cutest outfits and when the Little Boy was finally old enough to wear them, they were for the wrong season -- like shorts in winter -- and by the time that season was over, he was too big to wear them in the next one. It didn't happen too often, but I felt bad because people bought us these beautiful clothes for our child and it wasn't appropriate to wear them.

So, here's my advice to you while purchasing those precious little outfits for those little ones belonging to your friends and relatives: Figure out what age they will be when Mom or Dad puts Little Johnny or Little Judy in that specific outfit and buy the correct size. A co-worker of mine gave birth to a little girl earlier this year and I picked out the cutest little Summer outfit for her to be able to wear next June or July -- when she'll be around 18 months old. I know it's not something I ever thought about before having this experience, but I will never forget because I don't want others to experience it either.


5 Things That I Dream About

September 29, 2013
We all have dreams. Some of them are big, while others are small. A few of them are unattainable because they are dreams that you have for other people, and others you just like to think about and smile even though you'll never do them -- and that's okay. The most important thing is that we have them because they are what keep us alive.

1. Watching ocean waves break on the shore.
2. Seeing my son go into space.
3. Taking a vacation on a sailboat.
4. Traveling the world.
5. Having my own country garden.


A Taste of Emily Dickinson

September 25, 2013

I got my first taste of Emily Dickinson in university. Don't ask me why it took so long, but I quickly discovered that she was a beautiful poet. This poem is the one that has stuck out in my mind the most -- and it wasn't even one that I chose to write a paper about. Every once-in-a-while it pops into my head, and so this time it popped into my head I thought I'd share it with you.

Today is a gloomy and rainy day where I am, but "Hope is the thing with feathers..."


Shop Update: Behind the Scenes Part I

September 23, 2013
This weekend, I did some work on some new art prints and some Christmas cards -- that's right...the ideas for Christmas cards can never come too early. I had one day during a weekend at the end of August where the ideas were just flowing out of my mind onto paper. It was a good day. Some of them made it to the next step, while others were left behind. I'm really excite to share with you my newest Christmas cards, but you're going to have to wait until next month.

Until then, I wanted to give you a little behind the scenes look of how I run my shop. Today I'm sharing a couple of photos of the set-up that I use for taking product photos. Our house has very large South-facing windows that I like to use to their fullest potential. It always amazes me that the simplest set-up can make great photos -- not that I'm tooting my own horn. Looking at the photographs that I take, you'd never suspect that's what it looks like behind the scenes, would you?


Recent Etsy Favourites: September 2013

September 18, 2013
There are so many fantastic items to find on Etsy. I've been doing a bit of Christmas shopping recently, but I think I'm finding more things that I want for myself...that's usually the case, isn't it?

1. Air Mail Letterpress Correspondence Cards
2. Cat Shoes
3. Paper Fan Flower
4. Handpainted Wooden Village
5. Narwhal Mug


On Bullying

September 16, 2013
I finally broke down and watched the film "Bully" this weekend. I don't really know why I waited so long. I think I was anxious about what I would see. What I did see made my heart very heavy and sad. As a mother I was sad because I see my son now and what an amazing little person he is, and I hope that the world will see that as he grows older. I want the best for my son, and that includes him being happy in all aspects of his life. As an educator I was sad because I know that teachers are limited in what they can do, but we need to do so much more with what is within our limits, and that includes not being one of the bullies -- that is an abuse of power and respect.

There are a few things that I do with the children at work -- ages 3 to 5 -- that I strongly believe are some of the building blocks to prevent bullying. The first is that I have the children stick-up for themselves. If someone is bothering them or hurting them, I teach them to use their words and tell that person to leave them alone, or to stop hitting them, or whatever it may be. Secondly, I tell the other children that see it happen to stand-up for the person that is being bothered or hurt, and tell the other child to stop what they are doing. The last thing I do is I don't force the child that is doing the hurting to say sorry. Children at that age do not understand what the word means, nor do they mean it when they say it. Instead I ask how they think that person feels, and what they think they could do to make the other person feel better. It is my hope that these three things will help the children make a better world for themselves, and for others.

It scares me to see the kinds of things that children are capable of doing to others. How cruel they can be to someone else just because they dress differently, or wear glasses, or don't have a lot of money. To me, it says something about us as parents because our children are a reflection of us, and what we say and think about other people is adopted by them and taken to the next level. I am constantly catching myself saying rude things about others, and I know I have to keep that in check because I don't want my son to be like me. I want him to be better than me. I want him to be more considerate towards others, to stand-up for himself and others, and to care about others. It is my job to build the foundation of a fair, honest, and caring human being. It is the job of no one else but me and my husband. Of course there are other people in his life that will reinforce these qualities, but if we do not do the work that is required to build the foundation, it will take a lot of hard work for our son to build it on his own. What is the point of trying to make the world better, if we do not raise better people to be a part of it.


5 Things That I Love

September 13, 2013
With it being back to school and all, we've been talking with the children at work about themselves, what makes them happy, and things that they love. I thought it would be a good time to share with you a few things about myself, and I'm going to start with five things that I love.

Art: The Journey is the Reward by Michaela Steinacher
Summer Dress: Marilyn's Closet Blog
Brooches and Pins: Cheese/Fox/Carrot

Have a great weekend!


What I Learned From My Garden

September 08, 2013
Despite my previous experience with a garden, I have learned quite a bit from the little garden that I planted this year. Some of the vegetables turned out amazing -- like the peas and cucumbers -- while others became mutant carrots, but I know my mistakes and I have a new plan for next Summer.

To help my carrots dig deep into the Earth I plan on using a rototiller to break up the soil a lot more. Clearly those little fellas had a lot of digging to do on their own. I'm also going to plant the cucumbers and peas separate from each other because they have become so intertwined that they are pretty much one plant -- peacumbers. 

But, more importantly, I have proven to myself that I can take care of a garden by myself -- with a little help from my son. Part of my reasoning for planting a garden this year was to help him appreciate where his food comes from, and maybe it would help him enjoy it a bit more. He loves helping pick the peas and eagerly peels the pod away so he can gobble them up.

How did your garden grow?


Planning Outfits For Vacation: What I Packed For Vegas

September 06, 2013
My husband and I prefer to take carry-on baggage when we go on vacation. It can be a little tricky to pack, but we don't have to wait for it at the baggage carousel and can move quickly to our connecting flights -- and through customs. My husband usually just throws some T-shirts and shorts in his suitcase, but I like to plan my outfits a little more. I may not wear the outfits exactly as I plan out in my head once I reach my destination, but a least I have a good idea of what I can wear while I'm there -- and they're all inter-changeable...that's the best part!

Pink and Green Shorts: GAP
Jean Skirt: Old Navy
Both Floral Shirts: Forever 21
Star Shirt: Old Navy
Dress: GAP
Red Bag: Matt and Nat
Floral Bag: Old Navy


Vegas or Bust

September 04, 2013

My wonderful husband is so good to me. For Mother's Day this year, he bought me a trip to Las Vegas to see Celine Dion live in concert -- it is well known by now that I am a fan. She was so amazing to see live, and she is more wonderful and beautiful than I could have ever imagined. The rest of Vegas was so much fun. We went to see Penn & Teller, as well as Jabbawockeez, lounged by the pool, did some shopping, and, of course, a lot of walking.

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