Little Shop of ElleSee is 7!

March 15, 2018

I started writing this blog post more than two weeks ago, and here I am...still working on it -- just starting it, actually, because all I had written was the title. 

March 1st was the 7th birthday of Little Shop of ElleSee, and, while it's exciting to say that we have been around for that long -- and that we have done some pretty awesome things since we started like this and this -- I would be lying if I didn't say "here we are...still working on it." 

We'll always be working on it, and that's what we love most about running a small business: the fact that there are always more things to learn, always new people to meet, and always opportunities for something exciting waiting around the corner as long as you keep moving and stray off the path every once in a while.

We are so grateful that you have joined us on this journey -- whether you have been with us from the beginning, or if you hopped in during one of our off-roading adventures -- and nothing will ever make the work of Little Shop of ElleSee feel more special than seeing, and reading, how happy you are when you receive a card from us in the mail and get to touch the paper for the first time, or laugh at our cheesy puns. It means the world to us. Thank you!

What We Love: Winter 2018

March 05, 2018

Meti Mukluks from Manitobah Mukluks

I must admit that I was a little bit disappointed to find out that most of the production for Manitobah Mukluks has moved overseas since I purchased mine five years ago, but there are some pairs that are still made in Canada, including this beautiful pair made with the Meti flower. 

I honestly can't believe that I have owned my mukluks for five years now. I have worn them pretty much every day of every winter since I purchased them, and I would not wear another type of boot ever again -- I wear my boots outside for upwards of an hour and a half each time.

My husband and I went to watch The Greatest Showman over the Christmas holidays last year, and this song, among several others in the movie, has quickly become a favourite that is currently on repeat. Not only is this song an amazing production, but the meaning and feeling of the song is so beautiful, and perfectly relevant to today. Also, check out this awesome cover of the song from Brooklyn Duo.

Embroidery hoop from the shop Real Swanky

In her words, Caitlin of the shop Real Swanky creates "top-notch subversive embroidery to help horrify your guests." I love her take on the classic phrase "bless this house". It makes me laugh. Besides phrases such as this, Caitlin also embroiders incredibly detailed images such as anatomically correct lungs and brains, and David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust.

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