Does October seem a bit early to start thinking about Christmas?
I've not only started shopping for Christmas gifts a lot earlier this year -- because I like to purchase items from fellow Etsy shops, and they need time to be made and shipped -- but I've also started getting the shop ready for Christmas early because I know that if I'm already looking for Christmas gifts, then other people are probably doing the same thing.
So, with the spirit of Christmas, I would like to introduce you to a couple of the cards that I have made for Christmas 2012 -- Christmas cards from last year are still available :)
This little fellow came to fruition as I was trying to figure out how to draw Christmas ornaments. I wasn't too good at it, so I drew snowflakes instead. I like how they look a lot better than the ornaments that I was attempting to draw.
I came up with the idea for this little cutie while drawing the snowflake card. An idea for a penguin wearing a Santa hat quickly popped into my head while I was working on the snowflake. I stopped what I was doing on that card, and set to work sketching the penguin. It was too good of an idea to let fly past me...except it's a penguin, and they can't fly. Ha! Get it?
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