More Birthday Preparations: The Day is Almost Here

March 28, 2012
Throughout this month, and pretty much since the beginning of the year, I have been eagerly planning the first birthday party for my little boy. I shared with you a couple of items that I had bought for his party, including mustaches for a photo booth, but today I wanted to share a little DIY project that I did, as well as a couple of other items that I have bought for the party.

I bought these two super, awesomely, ugly 1980's photo frames from the local Value Village, and decided to spray paint them to make them a lot nicer and more likely to be used.

The frames even came complete with gold around the edges -- what could be more fantasticly 80's than that?

I decided to paint the frames blue because I already have a couple of items that are this colour of blue in my house, and also because I love blue and the way that it makes the colours around it pop -- think blue sky with yellow autumn leaves...beautiful!

I know what you're thinking: "Why does the frame have the wrinkly crackle effect?"

What happened was, my husband had moved the cars out of the garage so that we could move a new sofa in through the garage door -- it's a more direct route through the house. While the cars were out of the garage, I used it as an opportunity to spray paint the frames. I did two coats of paint, and realised that they needed another coat once I brought them into natural light to get a closer look at them. Well, the frames ended up sitting out in the garage for another few days until I had time to sneak out there while my husband's car was gone, and the little boy was sleeping. Long story longer, I didn't end up cleaning them properly after they sat out in the dusty garage -- I just wiped them off with my hands -- and the wrinkly effect is what resulted.

Anyways, I think they're kind of cool.

On Monday, we went to Bulk Barn -- I love that store -- to get some candy for the party. These will go in the goodie bags for each guest. I only hope that there is enough, and that my husband doesn't get his paws on them.

Do you recognise any of the candies that I bought?

It is hard to believe that my little boy is going to be 1-year-old in five days! It is also hard to believe that a year ago I was ready to explode due to a rather large baby bump. I realised the other day that there are very few photographs of me and my son together, so I have made a conscious effort this week to take a photo of us together each day before I go back to work, he grows up, and all of a sudden he's 18-years-old and going off on his own.

Sorry for the last part -- sappy, I know. What was the most memorable birthday party you have ever had?


  1. I think the frames look pretty cool! The pic of you and your kiddo is too cute.

  2. The picture frames are unique and special...funny how an accident turns out great!

  3. His teeth!!!!
    God - he´s such a cute little boy ♥


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