10 Things I Like

February 26, 2012
I was tagged by the lovely Steffi over at Maedchen Zimmer to share 10 Things I Like with you -- you can check Steffi's 10 Things out here

1. Water - I love how the feel and the sound of water make me feel so relaxed -- like sound of the waves lapping at the shore of the lake, and the encompassing velvety smoothness of the water on my body as I do a back float.

2. Fashion - I love fashion, and, more importantly, shoes. I don't have as many shoes as most women, but I do enjoy them and how they can complete, or destroy, an outfit.

3. Art - This one is a given. I guess it's not safe to assume that all artists enjoy art, but it would be in my case.

4. Coca Cola - I have share this fact with you a few times, but this goes to show you how much I really do enjoy cracking open a can of Coke. Mmm...I want one now...

5. Flowers - I love the smell of flowers. I love the feel of a flower's petals. I love how they make a room so much brighter. How could you not enjoy flowers. They make my world happy.

6. Christmas - I absolutely love Christmas. It is my favourite holiday. I like how it makes me feel inside when I start buying gifts, putting up the Christmas tree, and sending out the yearly letter. The baking isn't too bad either :)

7. Books - I haven't been paying as much attention to my books recently, but I do enjoy reading. I love when a story envelopes me and takes me on an adventure somewhere that I will never be, or have the chance to be -- I love historical fiction.

8. Animals - I love animals: horses, dogs, cats, hedgehogs...you name it, and I love it -- I especially love little goats. Sooo cute!

9. Naps - I am really enjoying being able to have naps right now. My son is currently teething, and naps are the perfect way to help me get through the day. This will be much more difficult when I go back to work. Booooo...

10. New Girl - I absolutely adore this show. I look forward to watching it every week, and actually get a little depressed when it takes a break. Seeing it leave for the Summer is going to break my heart -- and then I will take my son to the park :)


  1. Oh, you publish the tagg :)
    The little goats ♥ I hope we will have two little cute goats on our farm ♥

  2. LC - you are so cute! These are all fantastic - I am totally in love with naps as well. They are the best and I try to fit one in as often as I can!!!

    Happy Monday - Brandi

  3. the new girl is so cute! i love zooey, i don't care how much hate she gets. i know what you mean about the depression when a show you love takes a break. my solution- fill the void with another great show :) x

  4. My family would tell you straight up that I am a shoe girl...I could spend hundreds of dollars on them! :)


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