You might think that I enjoy Christmas cards because I make them myself, but my love of holiday cards goes back much farther than the two years that I have been making them.
When I was much younger I would see my Mom getting the family Christmas letter and Christmas cards ready each December to be sent out to our family and friends, and I loved sitting down to read through all of the cards that my family received. As I got older I started writing Christmas letters to friends, some that I hadn't seen in years, and it fostered my newer relationships as well as brought back some older relationships.
I find that Christmas cards bring us together in a way that the other forms of communication in our lives are unable to. Christmas brings about cheer, love and fuzzy feelings and Christmas cards send those feelings on to the people that we hold so dear. They are a holiday tradition that refuses to move on despite the advances that we have made in technology. Yes, some of those holiday cards that have funny songs or little videos that go along with them are fun, but give me a Christmas card that was sent in the mail and you're guaranteed to make me smile.
I like to believe that there are a lot of people out there that feel the same way that I do. How about you?
I like to believe that there are a lot of people out there that feel the same way that I do. How about you?
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