Father, Where Art Thou? Oh...There You Are

June 18, 2012
We started Father's Day 2012 with a bang, or rather, a drill...

With the help of family, I bought my husband a drill for his Father's Birthday -- his birthday is later this week, so we combined the two and bought him a nice big gift. He's been needing a new cordless drill -- with more power -- for quite some time. So I picked one up, and placed it in a place where he would see it as soon as he woke-up. He was so excited :)

After having lunch with my husband's family to celebrate Father's Day with his own Dad, we headed to one of the local pools for a swim with our son. He absolutely loves going to the pool, and we always enjoy taking him. We try to get there at least once a month, and today was the perfect day.

After the swim, and a nap -- at which time we let Dad watch some golf -- we headed over to my parents house for supper to celebrate Father's Day with my Dad. My husband and son had a great time using the footstool as a little car -- driving it up and down the hallway -- and they had fun playing chopsticks on the piano as well. A great end to a fantastic day!

Little Boy made some Father's Day art for my husband while he was at daycare. My husband has it hanging up on the fridge. He's a lucky guy to get art as a gift on Father's Day -- and so it has begun...

Did you do anything special on Father's Day?

1 comment

  1. Yes, had supper with you, Leigh, Luke, Grammie and your dad (my husband)...wonderful time together.


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