So Magical: Three Things I Love About Disney World

June 25, 2012
Outside Cinderella's Castle after getting my hair done on my birthday :)

1. I love how you can do anything you want and not look super lame or nerdy -- those words don't exist in Disney World: Dads walk around with goofy hats on their heads, teenagers sing along with Disney songs, and I got my hair did at the Bibbity Bobbity Boutique on my birthday.

About to watch "It's Tough to be a Bug"

2. It truly is "The Happiest Place on Earth": It is a rare occurrence to find someone that is unhappy during their stay in Disney World. There are so many fun things to see and do while you're there, and everyone has completely different experiences during their visit. I don't recall ever being a grump while I was there, nor seeing anyone that was being a grump either.

Cinderella's Step-Mother and Step-Sisters were absolutely hilarious!

3. Disney Magic: There is absolutely no way to describe how you feel when you are in Disney World. Everyone needs to experience it for themselves, and we all feel the magic in different ways. I absolutely love the fact that I can be just like a kid and meet all of the Disney characters that I watched while I was growing up -- and still watch -- and how it feels like you are in a completely different world. It truly is magical :)


  1. When I watched the parade at night it brought tears to my eyes...I was seeing something that I had never dreamed was possible. I was truly blessed.

    1. There is nothing quite like the parade at night. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and your experience :)

  2. Aw so fun!! I loved Disney World when I went when I was younger. I live so close to Disney Land now but have yet to go. You've inspired me to get on that!

    Hope you had a happy birthday!!

    xo JA

    1. I hope you do! My Dad grew-up in California and went to Disney Land all the time. So jealous...

      p.s. It was the best birthday ever!!!

  3. hope you had a great time there! :)


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