Shop Update: Christmas Cards 2021

October 12, 2021


The 2021 Christmas cards that I have been designing since the end of last Christmas (inspiration usually strikes when you need it the least) are now available in the shop

Why are the cards being listed soooo far ahead of the actual season? A lot of small online shops like to get holiday items ready to go so that they can be shipped out in time for them to reach everyone before the big day(s), which means that many of us are making them available before other holidays and celebrations have even begun.

Compared to the simplicity of our other Christmas cards, these four cards are by far the busiest cards that I have designed in the 11 years the shop has been open. You can find Chillin With My Snowmies, Christmas Wonderland, Happiest Christmas, and Bring On The Holidays in the shop along with all of the other Christmas cards.

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