Road Trip: The Fabric Paper Doll

July 14, 2014
When I was a little girl, my family went on a very long road trip across to the West Coast. To help us pass the time my Mom made these cute little fabric paper dolls for my sister and I to play with in the car. There were so many little outfit options and bows or hats to put on the doll. I don't remember what we did when we played with them, but I have cherished this doll my whole life and she was perfect for keeping me occupied on long car rides.

You can purchase or make your own doll for your next road trip:

Fabric Doll Pattern from Baby Dear on Etsy
Fabric Dolls and Clothing from Curlytoe Creations on Etsy
Fabric Paper Doll Pattern from Butterick - free download
Felt Paper Doll Tutorial from Girl, Meets Wolf


  1. Oh my goodness! My sister in law made my girls dolls almost identical to this when they were born! They love dressing them up!

    1. That's awesome! What a fantastic gift that they'll be able to enjoy forever. I still love dressing mine up :)


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