What We Love: Spring 2020

April 24, 2020

I'm not going to lie, one of my uniforms for life at home right now is a pair of my university's capri sweatpants that I got for Christmas last year (they have been my "get home, get comfy" pants ever since). This pair of pants from The Gap is the closest pair I could find to what I have.

I first learned about Ludovico Einaudi last year on CBC Radio where they played his song Life, and I was instantly hooked on the beauty of his music. Giorni Dispari is the latest song of his that I am in love with. My cousin and I were talking about piano music and she mentioned and Italian pianist that she enjoyed. I asked her if it was Ludovico and she said that it was, and had a couple of recommendations for songs of his that I should listen to. This was one of them. Sometimes you need a little calm and peace to listen to (it's like the comfy pants of music).

Sticking with the theme of "Comfy", this adorable hand-painted cat pillow from MosMea. would be the perfect cuddly buddy (if you don't already have one...or the one you have doesn't like to cuddle) for curling up on the sofa or in your bed while reading a book or watching some shows.

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